Our Psychologists

  • Teleem
    Vimarsha Jain
    Counselling Psychologist

     Age: 35

    Gender: Female

    Designation: Counseling psychologist

    Qualification: 1. M.Sc. Psychology 2. Certified in Basic Counselling Skills 3. Teaching Strategies and Methodology for SLD 4. Certificate of Attainment in Professional Supervision

    Experience: 7 Years

    Known Language: English, Kannada, Tulu, and Hindi

    Session Duration: 60 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 750 (ONE 15-MINUTES SESSION FREE)

    Medium Of Therapy: Video, Audio

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy 

  • Dr. b. ebenezar latest photo   dr b ebenezar
    Dr. B.Ebenezar
    Counselling Psychologist

     Age: 42

    Gender: Male

    Designation: Consultant Psychologist

    Qualification: M.Sc., M.A., B.Ed., Ph.D., PGDCE

    Experience: 20 Years

    Known Language: English, Hindi, Telugu

    Session Duration: 60 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 500

    Medium Of Therapy: Video

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy 

  • Img 20210104 161255  01   shaila rao
    Shaila Rao
    Counselling Psychologist

     Age: 50

    Gender: Female

    Designation: Counselor

    Qualification: MBA, MA Psychology, PGD Counseling skills

    Experience: 5 Years

    Known Language: English, Hindi

    Session Duration: 50 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 1000 (A 15-mins FIRST SESSION FREE)

    Medium Of Therapy: Video, Audio

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy 

  • 6f2b9906 5569 429f 8c42 2de83a858840   sreejith nair
    Dr. Sreejith Nair
    Counselling Psychologist

    Age: 33

    Gender: Male

    Designation: consultant Psychologist

    Qualification: MBA, MSc, MPhil, PhD

    Experience: 5 Years

    Known Language: Hindi, English, Malayalam

    Session Duration: 60 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 500 (FIRST SESSION FREE)

    Medium Of Therapy: Video, Audio

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy

  • Whatsapp image 2021 03 30 at 19.08.18
    Vishnuvardhan Mereddy
    Counselling Psychologist

     Age: 44

    Gender: Male

    Designation: Counselor

    Qualification: MSc in Psychology (Industrial & Organisational Psychology), M.PHIL in Psychology, Certificate in Addiction Studies, HIV, AIDS, Family Counseling, Certificate in Social Entrepreneurship, and Deaddiction Treatment Techniques.

    Experience: 12 Years

    Known Language: English, Telugu, Hindi

    Session Duration: 60 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 0

    Medium Of Therapy: Video, Audio

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy 

  • Df9c0793 fdbc 4777 82d7 9073f8271ff3   empowering mind
    Shikha Karwa
    Counselling Psychologist

     Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Designation: Counselling Psychologist & Remedial Educator

    Qualification: MA in Counselling Psychology & PG dip in Learning Disabilities

    Experience: 4 Years

    Known Language: English, Gujarati, Kutchi, Hindi, and Marathi

    Session Duration: 45 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 500

    Medium Of Therapy: Video, Audio

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy 

  • Urveez   urveez kakalia (1)
    Urveez Kakalia
    Counselling Psychologist

     Age: 25

    Gender: Female

    Designation: Counselling Psychologist

    Qualification: MA Counselling Psychology; Advanced Practicum in Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, Albert Ellis Institute, New York; Primary Certificate in Single Session Therapy, In Vivo Centre for Single Session Therapy.

    Experience: 3 Years

    Known Language: English

    Session Duration: 45 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 1000

    Medium Of Therapy: Video

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy 

  • Fb img 7483009855909834931   swapna sanghishetty
    Swapna Sanghishetty
    Counselling Psychologist

     Age: 38

    Gender: Female

    Designation: Counseling psychologist

    Qualification: MA Psychology

    Experience: 7 Years

    Known Language: English, Hindi, Telugu

    Session Duration: 50 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 500

    Medium Of Therapy: Video

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy 

  • 249881238 2932978723682578 3753186331413040549 n
    Jagriti Roy
    Counselling Psychologist

     Age: 26

    Gender: Female

    Designation: Counselling Psychologist and Happiness Coach

    Qualification: M.A in Clinical Psychology, Certificate in Happiness Coaching

    Experience: Years

    Known Language: English, Hindi, Bengali

    Session Duration: 60 minutes

    Fee Per Session: 500

    Medium Of Therapy: Video, Audio

    Email at telempathy26@gmail.com for seeking therapy 

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